Thursday, September 24, 2009

Cello and Violin Duo Sheet Music

Metz Ekghern. In the Memory of the Genocide by Hrach'ya Yessayan.

Filled with infinite sorrow this piece shocked me with its acute sharpness and strong emotionality. It involves me into the cruel world, where hate and fear reign, where is no place for love and compassion. While its listening awful images of the ruthless war are raising in my eyes. The anxious strings create a very strained atmosphere that electrifies the listener during the whole piece. Melody interrupted from time to time with knocks gives additionally the feeling of utter despair. It seems to me, that this music is an exact reflection of the inner state of mind of the people from the “lost generation”, these, who lived and grew up just before and right after the World War II: nervous, broken and very sorrowful.

You can listen to the sound sample, download the sheet music for free, and even buy a license to perform or record this striking piece.

And I’m very grateful to the author for this remarkable work, because I think that it’s a very necessary thing – not to go ahead such a terrible fact like genocide – especially nowadays, when people became blind to cruelty and violence happening in the world.

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