Thursday, March 14, 2013

Toreador Singing to Oboe

One of the most characteristic cultural features of mostly Spain and Latin America (though not only), bullfighting still remains a major attraction luring tourists on visit from all over the world. And that is a pretty rewarding experience, a powerful tradition lasting no less than three thousand years since the times of bull worshiping and sacrificing.

Arenas where traditional corridas are held accumulate a great amount of energy as they become a place of joint emotions transmitted through the interaction of the masterful toreador, the indestructible bull and the stirred audience. The people of art never missed a chance to reflect the strongest emotions through creative work, especially music. And as for the beautiful opposition of the torero and the mighty bull, probably one of the most successful music pictures of that was painted by Georges Bizet in his famous aria from the opera Carmen. Perhaps the ‘peak-est’ moment of the opera picturing all that happens in the bullring, the fight, the cheering, the resistance. Oboists have a chance to sing the bull-fighters song in a new manner now – an interesting arrangement for oboe quintet and an optional cor anglais is up there for corrida music fans.

Haydn's Miracle Symphony No.102

They call Joseph Haydn the father in music. He is considered to be, indirectly, the father of both the symphony and the string quartet, hav...