Monday, December 26, 2011

A Vucchella – Paolo Tosti

Originally Italian, Francesco Paolo Tosti in his life had managed to gain exceptional success abroad: soon after visiting the United Kingdom he became the most popular composer of songs in the country, not to mention that he had got a high position – of singing master to the Royal family, – and was knighted a few decades later. Indeed all of this wouldn't have been possible if Tosti's music wasn't outstanding, but it was: his works have been firmly established in the repertoire of some of the greatest opera singers (particulary tenors), including Enrico Caruso. Download one of the most famous Tosti's compositions here: A Vucchella (for Voice and Piano), – and watch it sung by a great Italian tenor below:

Haydn's Miracle Symphony No.102

They call Joseph Haydn the father in music. He is considered to be, indirectly, the father of both the symphony and the string quartet, hav...