Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Peer Gynt. Morning Mood by Edvard Grieg

Edvard Grieg's Morning Mood is one of the most beautiful pieces ever. Portraying time when almost everybody light-heartedly sleeps, it helps even veteran-slugabed to feel awakening of nature in a predawn time. Morning Mood is a part of Peer Gynt Suite No. 1, op.46, which was originally written for Ibsen’s play. Grieg had a hard time composing it, because he had to follow guidelines of a playwright, and it was new to him. Howbeit, no one can say now it wasn't worth it - Grieg's first suite is all-time masterpiece.

Score of this triumphant and sublime composition is available here:
Peer Gynt. Morning Mood sheet music.

Haydn's Miracle Symphony No.102

They call Joseph Haydn the father in music. He is considered to be, indirectly, the father of both the symphony and the string quartet, hav...