Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Guitar Sheet Music - Tarrega, Gran Vals

I think almost everybody has heard the famous Nokia tune. It seems as it was the first remarkable ring tone from those times of first mobiles.

I was a bit surprised, when I’d found out, that this is a fragment of Gran Vals by Francisco Tárrega. This piece was written by composer in 1902. A virtuoso guitarist himself, Tárrega is considered as a musician who promoted a classical guitar. His guitar compositions are often performed in recitals and stand first in the guitar repertoire. You may download Gran Vals of Tárrega as many other guitar sheet music, and play these famous measures yourself. If you haven't got which measures I am talking about, see the picture.

Though many composers have written and are continuously writing nice guitar pieces, there is no as much sheet music for the guitar as for the piano. Especially nowadays, it is quite difficult to find some really interesting piece of classical genres, which can be of interest for modern public. And this concerns not guitar only. In the piano repertoire the situation with contemporary music does not look favorable too, as it is very difficult to find new expressive methods nowadays. It is often too difficult for contemporary composers to strike a happy medium between complexity and primitive keeping large scale of expressiveness.

Haydn's Miracle Symphony No.102

They call Joseph Haydn the father in music. He is considered to be, indirectly, the father of both the symphony and the string quartet, hav...